team photo at yof development league

YOF | 2018 – 2019

Having all played university basketball at the highest level in North America, the A4H executive team understands first-hand how valuable skills developed through participation in sport are. Their curriculum and programming builds on the understanding that sports are a great way to develop goal setting, teamwork skills and tools to help manage adversity – all of which can be applied off the court. The YOF league teaches fundamental basketball skills, teamwork, sportsmanship and a passion for the love of the game of basketball while also learning about what it takes to be a student athlete through different educational workshops. Funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation, the program focuses on mentorship, basketball and educational programming for Black youth in Peel.

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The Aspire for Higher program chose four quantitative survey modules to identify trends and measure outcomes of the program; two modules (Consistent Caring Person and Preparing to Lead) were used with youth program participants and two modules (Engaged in Community and Leadership Qualities) were used with the program staff (youth coaches). Descriptions of the four modules are listed below.

• Consistent Caring Person module aims to explore the extent to which they have
adult support as well as social support, partnerships and connections

• Preparing to Lead module aims to establish the extent to which participant ex-
press qualities of leadership through their engagement, their lifelong learning

intentions as well as their generativity

• Engaged in Community module aims to establish the extent to which an individ-
ual is engaged in their community through civic participation, perceived socio-
political control, as well as their sense of integration and community

• Leadership Qualities module aims to evaluate the extent to which individuals in
the program possess qualities of leadership during the program.

Youth in the Aspire for Higher program also filled out a Demographics tool to share more about themselves. Program staff (youth coaches) submitted 24 reflections using a qualitative tool, Head, Heart, Feet, Spirit (HHFS) and participated in an end of the year focus group. The HHFS reflections and the focus group provided a space for the young coaches to reflect on their experiences, share ideas for improving the program, and share impacts that participation has had on their lives. 11 coaches contributed to the focus group held on June 2019. The focus group was facilitated by SCC staff and was recorded and transcribed to be analyzed for significant themes. Significant quotes were drawn from the analysis with participants’ thoughts, feelings, and personal experiences.

Detailed results can be found in the report.


Ontario Trillium Foundation

Funding Amount

$ 396,700